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  5. Release Notes 4.0.2.S7

Release Notes 4.0.2.S7

New Features

Substitution user maintenance for Execution user

Via the Workflow tab a new menu option is added: Substitution Users

Remark: The user group must have authorisation for ‘Workflow – Setup’!

This function allows the user to add/change/delete substitution users

Improved Features

Budget Holder setup

When navigating to a pagenumber and changing an approval center, the same page will be dsiplayed again instead of going back to page 1.

Scanned Invoices

The user can set his own default via ‘User Options’ – ‘User settings’

Remember the filter value (Scanned, Wait on info or All) for the users session.

Bug Fixing

  • When an invoice is already in wait status, the following message is displayed:
    ‘Invoice already exists in Wait Status’.
    The same message was displayed when the invoice was in rejected status. The correct message will now be displayed when rejected:
    ‘Invoice already exists in Rejected Status’