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  5. Release Notes 4.0.2.S6

Release Notes 4.0.2.S6

New Features

Vendor Payment Type

The Lx value of the vendor payment type is now visible in EZ-Invoice:

  • In the list of the invoices (invoice tooltip)
  • On the Vendor Base Info screen (when you click on the vendor name).

Reason code (document year)

Reason code is now a drop-down field (the configured Lx values are shown).

When changing the value (e.g. from *blank to a valid reason code), EZ-Invoice will also try to update the document year (if it is *zero).

Approval Center Setup (budget holders)

It is now possible to include the department of the approval user (in the case he is assigned to multiple departments).


Vendor Data Refresh

It is now possible to refresh vendor by the key-user from the setup menu.

Menu Setup -> EZ-Invoice -> Refresh vendors

Show all Reply for 3-way match

It is now possible to add reply-text also on the invoices which are approved by 3-way match.

User Setup Configurator

It is now possible to disable and user (Inactivate), without remove him from the configuration (departments, approval centers, should be updated by the key-user).

Improved Features

Protected Vendor ASN

If Protected Vendor is set, the ASN Order List will only contain the orders from the Protected Vendor

Action Reply e-mail

The subject of the e-mail contains now more info about the invoice (task description)

Payment Info from Archive

If the payment info is archived in Lx, EZ-Invoice will take the info from the archive library.

Bug Fixing

  • Approval Task for a non 3-way match invoice are now automatically removed when it is modified to match the 3-way rules.