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  5. Release Notes 4.0.2.S8

Release Notes 4.0.2.S8

New Features

Approval Center Setup (Budget Holders)

  • Filter option to select approval centers based on the Approving User.
  • New action Replace for mass user replacement (all levels).
  • New validation; Approving User should only be on one level for an approval code.

Passing ASN-number from scanning

It is now possible to pass the ASN-number from the scanning (validation) screen to EZ-Invoice like it is possible with the PO-number.

Link to EZ-Purchase requisition report

During the invoice entry, from the list with BPCS/Lx PO’s (search PO), you can open the Requisition Report to check the details. Only available when PO is created with EZ-Purchase.

Improved Features

Invoice Search on User Fields 10-14

It is now possible to configure also User Fields 10-14 to be used as search fields.

Invoice number length

An additional validation on Invoice Number length, max 10 characters to match the lengt in BPCS/Lx.

Substitution user maintenance for Execution user

On the Workflow menu a new sub-menu option is added: Substitution Users

Required authorisation “Workflow – Setup” is changed to “Workflow” only.

Bug Fixing

  • Small layout improvements to support the different browsers.
  • Determination of the approval amount when Invoice currency is different from Company (base) currency.